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Automobile Insurance

Saint Louis University maintains auto liability insurance to cover damages and legal defense costs for bodily injury or property damages resulting from auto accidents involving vehicles owned or rented by SLU.

The University's automobile insurer retains the right to monitor or refuse to insure an individual driver. Should the automobile insurer decline coverage of any driver, that driver will not be authorized to drive a university-insured vehicle.

The University does not insure personal vehicles under any circumstances. If an employee chooses to use a personal vehicle for University business, the personal automobile policy covering the vehicle is primary. Only authorized drivers, drivers who have completed a motor vehicle license check, affiliated with the University in the capacity of student, faculty or staff shall be permitted to drive a vehicle rented or owned (including golf carts) by the University. Use of a vehicle is restricted to authorized university-related activities.

If a department has an accident where their driver is deemed to be at fault, and that driver has not completed a Motor Vehicle License Check (MVLRC) for the fiscal year, the department may be responsible for the full amount of the damages.


Automobile Accidents

Commonly Needed Contacts After an Accident

  • Risk Management: 314-977-3952 or
  • Department of Public Safety (DPS): 314-977-3000
  • Concentra Urgent Care: 314-421-2557
Accidents in University-Owned Vehicles/Driving for Business Purposes

If you are involved in an accident while driving a university-owned vehicle or while driving a vehicle for business purposes, please observe the following procedures:

  1. Stop immediately. Call DPS if on campus and call police. Do not leave the scene until a police report has been taken.
  2. Get help for anyone injured. Call 911 as merited. Do not move an unconscious person unless their life is at stake.
  3. Take steps to prevent additional accidents at the scene. Move all involved vehicles out of the way of traffic.
  4. Collect as much information as possible for the SLU automobile accident reporting form.
  5. Provide the other driver SLU's proof of insurance card, your name, and Risk Management's information.
  6. Safely take photos of the following:
    1. Each car, including license plates and all vehicle damage.
    2. Each driver.
    3. Any skid marks.
    4. Location markers.
    5. Accident debris.
    6. Other property damage. (trees, buildings, signs, street poles, etc.)
  7. When you can, notify your supervisor and Risk Management.
  8. If you are injured in an accident, please proceed to the nearest hospital. You must also report your injury to Risk Management and fill out a Report of Injury Form.
  9. If the vehicle is not drivable, please ask DPS to arrange for the vehicle to be towed to 3401 Chouteau.
Accidents in Rented Vehicles During Travel

If you are involved in an accident while driving a vehicle rented for business purposes out of town, please observe the following procedures.

  1. Stop immediately. Call the police. Do not leave the scene until a police report has been taken.
  2. Follow the procedures listed above for injured parties and prevent additional accidents.
  3. Contact the rental agency from where you rented the vehicle.
  4. Follow the procedures listed above for exchanging and gathering information.
  5. When you can, notify your supervisor and Risk Management.
  6. If you are injured in an accident, please proceed to the nearest hospital. You must also report your injury to Risk Management and fill out a Report of Injury Form.

Alcohol and Drug Testing

The University requires that alcohol and drug screening be conducted for all accidents or injuries under any of the following circumstances.

  • During an employment-related accident involving a University-supplied vehicle, or
  • While using personal vehicles to conduct the employer's business, or
  • During an employment-related accident where there is a fatality of anyone involved in the accident, or
  • During an employment-related accident that causes bodily injury to the employee and/or another person that requires hospitalization, or
  • The University reserves the right to require alcohol and drug screening for any employee involved in a work-related injury or incident or reasonable suspicion. 

Alcohol and Drug Testing Procedures

During Normal Working Hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday - Friday

If alcohol or drug testing is required between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, the supervisor must accompany the employee to Concentra, the University's occupational health provider.

  • Find Concentra locations here.
  • The supervisor must complete an "Authorization for Examination or Treatment" form to authorize care. This form can be filled out in advance (PDF available here) or authorize it at the Concentra location.
  • For post-auto accidents, please select both "Regulated Drug Screen" and "Breath Alcohol" under "Substance Abuse Testing".
  • The supervisor needs to provide the employee's name, date of birth, and sign the form.
  • The employee must bring a photo ID at the time of service.
Outside of Normal Working Hours

If alcohol or drug testing is needed outside of the normal working hours noted above, TForce (Guardian) Medical Logistics should be contacted per the instructions below.

  • On-site Alcohol and Drug Testing - 24 hours - 7 days a week- call:
    • 1-800-582-8807 - option 1
    • 314-576-7766 - option 1
  • Please have the following information available when calling:
    • City and state
    • Location of test - where the employee is
    • Employer name - Saint Louis University
    • Employee's name - Donor
    • Reason for the test - reasonable suspicion, post-accident testing, etc.
    • Type of test needed - alcohol and/or drug testing
    • On-site contact name and phone number - supervisor's information
  • T-Force (Guardian) Medical Logistics will have a technician on-site in approximately one to one-and-a-half hours from the time of the call barring traffic or inclement weather.
Upon Completion of the Test
Upon completion of the test, the employee is prohibited from driving home. They should call a family member or the supervisor can arrange transportation, provided they are not being kept overnight for medical reasons.

Car Rental Information

Saint Louis University prohibits University vehicles from being taken out of the country. Rental of vehicles in a foreign country is discouraged; however, the University recognizes that there may be times when public transportation is unavailable or not feasible. Any foreign rental must be pre-approved by Risk Management and Insurance.

  • You must be 18 or older to drive a university vehicle. Adhere to the specifications of the rental companies for their age requirements.
  • If you are renting or driving a vehicle on university-sponsored business (including golf carts) and require evidence of insurance coverage, you must first complete a Motor Vehicle License Registration Check (MVLRC) and receive approval. A MVLRC should be submitted at least five business days before using the vehicle and renewed every fiscal year.
  • If a department has an accident where their driver is deemed to be at fault, and that driver has not completed a Motor Vehicle License Check for the fiscal year, the department may be responsible for the full amount of the damages.
  • The University prohibits the use or rental of vans with a wheelbase greater than 148 inches or a max of 12 passengers. No exceptions to this policy will be made. For van rental information, contact Transportation Services.
  • All University vehicles should carry an automobile liability insurance identification card. For a copy of the card, please contact Risk Management at 314-977-3952 or
  • All employees renting vehicles for university business should accept the optional liability insurance offered by the rental agency.
  • Enterprise and National rentals, the University’s preferred vendors, automatically add $1,000,000 of coverage to all rentals.
  • If you rent a vehicle through the SLU Transportation Department, an additional $3 per day will be automatically added to all rentals.
  • For other rental companies, we have outlined the coverages below:
    • Liability (ALI): This is liability coverage. Employees should take out this coverage for rentals. The coverage purchased should be at least $100,000.
    • Loss Damage Waiver (LDW): A loss damage waiver is not insurance and is not mandatory. University employees should not take out this coverage.
    • Personal Accident Insurance (PAI): This is unnecessary because employees are covered by the University’s Workers Compensation insurance policy when traveling for business purposes.
    • Personal Effects Insurance (PEP): University employees should not take out this coverage.

License Monitoring

Saint Louis University reserves the right to ensure that all drivers of University vehicles have reasonable driving records and will only authorize drivers based upon this reference check.

Any one or more of the following may disqualify an individual from being authorized to drive for SLU:

  • Suspension or revocations:
    • Current suspended or revoked driver's license.
    • Any driver's license suspension or revocation within the past three (3) years.
  • Serious convictions:
    • Drug-related conviction involving motor vehicle operation in the past five years.
    • Felony involving a motor vehicle in the past five years.
    • Driving While Intoxicated or Blood Alcohol Content conviction in the past five (5) years
  • Moving violations:
    • Three (3) or more moving violations in the past three years
    • Two (2) or more moving violations within the past 12 months

Once the MVLRC is completed you may contact Risk Management at 314-977-3952 to obtain a copy of the insurance card. Please allow five business days for processing before your travel date.

If your department has employees who drive a university vehicle or rental vehicle (including golf carts) on university business more than four times a month, contact Risk Management to be enrolled in a continuous monitoring service. There is no charge to the department.

If a driver will be driving a vehicle weighing more than 26,000 pounds or designed to transport more than 15 people (including the driver), the driver must have a valid commercial driver's license.


  • Departments are responsible for the first $1,500 of damage on all automobile claims in which the University makes a payment. If a department has two or more claims in a fiscal year, the deductible will be raised to $2,500.
  • If a department is involved in an automobile accident with a third party and the department driver is determined to be at fault, the department is responsible for the first $1,500 of damage to the department's vehicle, as well as the first $1,500 of damage to the third party's vehicle.

University-owned Golf Cart and Utility Vehicles

All golf carts and utility vehicles must be registered with Parking, Card and Transportation Services and must display an official University vehicle number to operate on campus.

Register a Golf Cart or University Vehicle

Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Usage Rules and Regulations

Saint Louis University strives to provide a safe environment for all students, vendors, employees and guests.

The purpose of these rules and regulations is to provide governing procedures on the use and operation of non-licensed powered carts so that University-owned or contractor-owned non-licensed equipment (including but not limited to: golf cart-type vehicles, lawn mowers and utility vehicles) are operated in a safe manner to prevent injuries to personnel and property.

Read the Rules and Regulations

Golf Cart and Utility Vehicle Training

Saint Louis University's Risk Management Office has implemented a training program for golf cart & utility vehicle safety. This online course is required by anyone who operates a golf cart or utility vehicle on campus and must be taken and passed prior to operating such types of vehicles.

Take SLU's Golf Cart & Utility Vehicle Safety Program